At ForgetTheBanks it is our pleasure to utilise our extensive experience in the financial industry, spending the time and doing the groundwork to ensure we find the best lending offering in the market to match your financial dreams and objectives.

Finding a suitable loan

Once you make the decision to borrow money, separating the wheat from the chaff to find the right loan for you can be tricky. If you spend the time researching, you will find there are far more reasons why you should choose a Mortgage Broker rather than approaching any bank directly. However, finding a mortgage broker who understands the banking industry, each lenders cost and source of funds and the product positioning and target market of various lenders isn’t easy… with this in mind, the largest of the Australian banks has a very appropriate slogan, “Which bank”… this rings true on many levels given the complexity and confusion cast over the general population when it comes to banking and vast product offerings. 

As a consumer of debt in this busy world the question of “Which bank or lending product is best suited for my needs and financial objectives?” simply cannot be answered by any one bank or any one lender directly. Put simply, by design, Australian lenders do not and cannot have everyone’s best interest in mind. Each one of them internally creates their “one size fits most” product offering attitude where your situation either does or does not fit their products and credit risk credit policy.

To find the right bank and right product within that bank, without the right tool kit, will likely end in an inferior result. Let us do the hard work for you. Let us first assess your position and goals and then we will find the lender that fits best.

“The only good loan is one that gets paid back.” ― Robert Wilmers

Don’t forget to ask about our Community Giveback Referral Program

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Up-to-Date Reports on Bank Profits, Economic News, and Strategies for Success...